Monday, January 10, 2011

Dishes and Pigtails

The girls love to "help" with the dishes. And boy do I "love" for them to help me. And this is yes Ellie's first pigtails!!

Ellie and Dress up

She's just like her big sister. Wants to do everything that Addie does. And BOY AND ATTITUDE!!

Crazy Month

There has been a huge laps in blogging. I want to do a lot better this year. But the last month I had surgery. Ellie had surgery. And then the holidays came. But all in all it was all good. We again went to Utah Cory's sister came from Florida with her husband. We spent a few days there having family parties. One of Cory's family tradition is the family gets together and does a talent show. Now its by far nothing like real talent. Its more something that's fun that makes everyone laugh. Then headed down to Provo to my family. Our tradition is fondue. It made the holidays great to get together with family and have the traditions that we grew up with. For some reason the pics of Cory's family and parties got erased.


We went down to Utah since that is where all of our family is. We hung out with the grandparents and cousins. We eat a great turkey dinner and play games. The kids love it as much as we do!