Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Episode

Addison has suddenly become free! The other day at church she was running in the hall. I had Ellie in my hands so I just thought that I would wait for Addison to come to me and I would stop her. She never came so, I started to walk the hall and I came around the corner and Addison was at the water fountain with all her clothes off. And I mean ALL!

Then yesterday and Keller's game I forgot the change her out from underwear to diapers (because we are potty training.) She had an accident and hated that her dress and underwear were wet. So she tore off her clothes again. It was a big fight trying to get her to put and keep them on. I think this is beginning to be a problem!

1 comment:

The Marvelous Mrs. Miller said...

LOL! I'm really sorry for you, but that is just too funny! Good Luck!