Monday, October 13, 2008

Updates on our Family!

Names: As you all can see. Leighton won on the name game. But Cory has informed me that he does not like that name. Which stinks because I think its so cute. And I was even thinking about doing Leighton Capri. But now.. Ugghh. I can't.. So another possible name game in the future. Or you guys can always give me suggestions that I haven't thought of.

Pregnancy: I don't know if some of you know or not. But I'm not due till the end of November. But I have had a few complications again. Mild Preclampsia, early contractions, and dialated. But we went to the Dr. today( Mon) and got some reassurance he said things are looking good and he feels pretty good about this week. He even gave me a 2 week appointment instead of the 1 week he had me doing before. But he also reminded me that things can change very quickly. But he said as of Friday if I go into labor he won't stop anything. Or even need to give me steroids because I will be far enough along that they don't worry about the baby as much. And they have found the babies tend to be really well and don't need to be in NICU.

House: PLEASE GIVE A CHEER! Boy here we are waiting looking for houses and not finding anything. Then all of a sudden we find 3 we like. We put offers in on all 3. Two of them took our offer at the same price and both have a closing date of 2 weeks. So we have had a big decision to make. We came up with Pros and Cons. We liked one house better, but one lot better than the other. Why does this have to happen! We have to have the final decision tomorrow. We are waiting on a few answers about some things on one of the houses .(if they will include some things we want and at how much) So, that will help us with the final decision. My only thing is I hope that the baby stays in until we at least get into our house.
*** oh yes and get this. Preston is our social butterfly. We found out the house we are leaning toward has 27.. 8 yr old kids in the ward! 19 of them are boys. Will he be in heaven or what.

Hunting: I'm sure your thinking were does that fit in with baby, house and names? Well this is for Cory and the boys. They love to hunt and over UEA ( fall break here in Utah) the guys go hunting. Which will be this Thur, Fri. ( they go Thur-Sund) Well, ha ha.. Cory and my brother in law are trying to get me to go. YEAH RIGHT!
Now I love to camp. We even have the trailer which in my condition now and in the cold makes it so much better. But ....
1. Im up in the mountains far far away from any hospital if something happends this weekend.
2. I will be the only girl. (that means cook for the men)
3. Babysitter of bored boys (because we all know these boys are going to get bored out of their minds looking sitting still and having to be quiet!)

So... Tell me.. Would you want to go either!

Carter's: We are doing well and surviving. It has been cold lately and has even snowed. But our trailer has heat. And the kids have had fun. The boys go to school all day. Addie loves to watch "Annie", Wizard of Oz. and Iron Man( yeah way different contrast) Cory is working hard as always. And constantly feels stress. But is that new?

This is the full update on our family.


Teacher Mama said...

I completely agree with you. You're already camping (well, living, in a trailer); you shouldn't have to wait on the boys while you are getting ready to pop another baby out! You need to keep that baby cooking! You should be relaxing with your feet up and reading a good book. Or at least NOT hunting. Good luck! Let us know if you need help moving.

The Smith's Fridge Door said...

Hey, I like Leighton! That is Tara Dove Heiner's oldest daughter's name, and she is an absolute cutie! Oh, and hey, congratulations on the house!!